Yoga & Meditation for Children
Om Shanthi. If you have children in your life who would love some fun yoga videos, our beloved Lakshmi Cainara in Australia has made these great videos in both English and Portuguese. More of our teachers are working on other videos as well, so you might like to check back in here every once in a while to see what new gifts may have arrived.
Sun Salutation for children. Join me in this quick, easy and fun little special. Let's salute the beautiful sun and move our bodies in the rhythm of this flow.
If you would like to have a magical journey to visit the beautiful wishing tree, you can make yourself nice and comfortable and lie down.
Yoga and primary school teacher Isha shows a simple breathing practice kids can enjoy to help themselves relax!
You know all the love that's in your heart? You can connect with it and enjoy it anytime you want! The lovely Isha is here to help.
The Heart Breath is a wonderful and simple thing you can do any time you want to calm down and relax.
In this beautifully calming relaxation video for children of all ages, yoga teacher & primary school teacher Isha shows us how gently, mindfully tracing the infinity sign across our own hearts can help us feel better in a short space of time.