Welcoming Prayer

 Welcoming Prayer

Embracing All.

The Welcoming Prayer was developed by a woman called Mary Mrozowski who was involved in the Centring Prayer tradition. This is the Christian version of the Heart Practice. We have deep gratitude to Mary and have adapted the practice to suit our tradition. And it’s an excellent way for us to come towards our inner silence, especially if the mind and emotions are active. You can do it not just before your meditation or prayer, but anytime your mind might be a bit over active or disturbed. Even if a trauma response has been triggered by an outside event.

We can understand that stress and trauma are not events. The experience that we feel is our response to an event. It’s not the event itself. It’s our response. Welcoming Prayer begins to show us how we can have some options and maybe some choice. When we practice it in a repeated way, it gradually helps us shift our awareness towards our reactions to an outer event, rather than continuing to focus on the stories around the events which is what we so often do.

We have here two different versions of the Welcoming Prayer with Padma Devi for you to experience and explore anytime you may wish to. The first is shared on YouTube and the second is available as audio download.

For those who would like to learn more about the Centring Prayer tradition, you may wish to look at the writings or YouTube videos of Cynthia Bourgeault and Father Thomas Keating who are both beautiful, deeply heart-centred beings.

This second version includes additional steps.
You may wish to become comfortable and familiar with the first version (Ocean of Compassion)
before moving on to this second stage.