
Find out more about upcoming events with Heart Of Living Yoga around the UK and internationally.

Ease into a Peaceful Christmas
10:00 am10:00

Ease into a Peaceful Christmas

You are warmly invited to join Vishwam & friends for a magical morning of yoga, meditation and deep heart connection. The spirit of Christmas can be felt in our hearts — and the more we practice, the easier it becomes. Dropping into the Heart together, we can share this beautiful feeling and carry it with us throughout the holiday season - however we might celebrate at this sacred time of year.

Half of all proceeds go directly to support the Heart Of Living Yoga Foundation’s charity work with children and their families in Sri Lanka, Brasil, India & the U.K. Thank you for helping them support children and their families in Sri Lanka, Brasil, India and the U.K. Donations offered on a sliding scale. To offer ‘other’, please get in touch.

Please note the event will be recorded for those who cannot make it live.

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Fife Heart Satsang
2:00 pm14:00

Fife Heart Satsang

Join us for a candle lit meditation, chanting, spiritual readings, gentle sharing’s and discussions, and most importantly, cake!

Booking is essential. We have a very few chairs available. Please let us know at booking if you require one.

Profits from this event go to the Heart of Living Yoga Foundation.

Suggested donation £10

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6:00 pm18:00


6pm GMT / 10am Pacific

This is your personal invitation to a rather special Heart2Heart with Nischala Joy Devi (author of the Secret Power of Yoga & The Namaste Effect, creator of Yoga of the Heart , international teacher & healer) and Rev. Padma Devi (founder & president of Heart Of Living Yoga).

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Fife Heart Satsang
2:00 pm14:00

Fife Heart Satsang

Join us for a candle lit meditation, chanting, spiritual readings, gentle sharing’s and discussions, and most importantly, cake!

Booking is essential. We have a very few chairs available. Please let us know at booking if you require one.

Profits from this event go to the Heart of Living Yoga Foundation.

Suggested donation £10

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Fife Heart Satsang
2:00 pm14:00

Fife Heart Satsang

Join us for a candle lit meditation, chanting, spiritual readings, gentle sharing’s and discussions, and most importantly, cake!

Booking is essential. We have a very few chairs available. Please let us know at booking if you require one.

Profits from this event go to the Heart of Living Yoga Foundation.

Suggested donation £10

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Heart Festival 2024
to 26 Aug

Heart Festival 2024

The second annual Heart Festival returns this year at a new bigger venue: Gaunts House in Dorset. Join us for a glorious weekend celebrating the beauty of life, the richness of the heart and the joy of being together as a community of love. Everyone is welcome!

Early bird tickets are limited - don’t miss out!

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A Special Peace Meditation
9:00 pm21:00

A Special Peace Meditation

In response to the cycle of fear and violence in the UK at the moment, a special evening meditation has been requested to support all hearts. You are warmly invited to join us in that place beyond right and wrong where we know ourselves once again as peace and reconnect with our deepest compassion for all and our profound courage to never relinquish Love ❤️ Coming back home to the heart to share peace and love with all .

Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthii. 🙏🏼💐🙏🏼

Please use this Zoom link to connect for the meditation at 9pm on Friday.

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7:30 pm19:30


Taste the magic of Heart Festival with Anne Malone and Padma Devi on Zoom this Sunday 30th June 7.30pm -9pm

Come and enjoy this preview of Heart Festival where both Padma & Annie will be sharing heart meditation and heart song at Gaunts House in Dorset from 23rd to 26th August 2024, alongside a host of other international artists and facilitators (more details and tickets at

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Heart Yoga Teacher Q&A session
6:30 pm18:30

Heart Yoga Teacher Q&A session

Come and spend time with Padma and all the Heart Team on our live Q&A session on 12th January!

This is an opportunity to ask all your questions about the amazing new 200 hour Heart Of Living Yoga Teacher Training Course and to hear about what you will learn during your journey towards becoming a qualified heart yoga teacher. All the trainers will be on hand to talk to you and previous graduates will share their own experiences too.

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Meditacao do Coracao
8:00 am08:00

Meditacao do Coracao

Sejam bem-vindos! ❤️🤗

Perguntinhas pra você responder a si mesmo com sinceridade!

Como está sendo a sua semana até agora?

Você começa a segunda-feira pensando na sexta?

A semana passa voando e você acha que não teve tempo de desfrutar nada e muito menos criar coisas que gostaria muito?

Ou será que a semana tem passado lentamente enquanto você sente que se arrasta entre os afazeres e os sentimentos?

Existem várias maneiras de perceber e sentir o tempo passar e eu posso te garantir que a maioria delas tem a ver com a forma como você começa sua semana. Tem a ver com a frequência e a vibração que você sintoniza para então escolher focar e manter durante a semana!

A Fundação Heart of Living Yoga ensina práticas de meditação do coração que nos ajuda a descobrir essa frequência e esse poder de escolha. Assim como também a experienciar inúmeras possibilidades de vivenciar os mais diversos episódios e momentos de nossas vidas.

Nessas próximas 6 segundas-feiras eu vou compartilhar com vocês 30 minutos de prática meditativa para começar a semana e usar no decorrer dela.

Vamos juntos experimentar uma forma diferente de sintonizar com a nossa vida e a dos outros ao nosso redor.

Convido vocês a participarem dessa Jornada Meditativa no Coração e caminharmos versos ao final do ano de 2023 sintonizador no Bem, sentindo o Bem e fazendo o Bem.

As contribuições do valor de troca ajudarão a ONG ParaTi a manter e aprimorar o lindo trabalho do Centro Infantil de Vila Canoas, em São Conrado - RJ!

Vamos juntos fazer a diferença construindo através do Amor de dentro pra Fora!

Os encontros serão on-line via Zoom e link será compartilhado acada domingo aqui no grupo.

Quando você efetuar seu pagamento por favor envie o comprovante e você continuará recebendo mensagens aqui!

Na segunda-feira pela manhã aqueles que ainda não tiverem realizado o pagamento serão removidos do grupo ok? Mas podem ter certeza que também estarão presentes em nossas vibrações e mentalizações de paz durante toda semana!

Se você não puder contribuir com o valor de troca sugerido por favor fale com uma de nós diretamente e juntos encontraremos uma forma de troca que seja boa para todos e para que você possa participar!

Não queremos ninguém de fora!

Qualquer dúvida eh só entrar em contato!

Enquanto isso se quiserem conhecer mais sobre a Fundação Inglesa Heart of Living Yoga visitem o nosso site:


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Call to Peace
7:30 pm19:30

Call to Peace

Heart Songs & Prayers for Peace with Annie Malone & Padma Devi to draw us all together in Peace & Harmony.

In our shared humanity to remember and honour all the dear souls who have died and suffered during the latest conflict in the Middle East and in all wars and to share our deepest hearts wish and prayers for PEACE ON EARTH.

That no more mothers may see their sons & daughters killed in the name of war. That no more fathers will have the heartbreak of seeing their sons & daughters go off to fight.. That no more children will be killed in the name of someone else's ideas.

Please come and join us and sing your hearts out for Peace, stand together with us on the earth in heartfelt prayer and chant ancient mantras to bring peace wherever it is needed.

Joining our hearts together, we will find strength & comfort in each other's presence, and together, with divine Grace we will raise the vibration from fear and sorrow to Pure Love, Harmony & Peace.

Hoping you can join Annie & Padma on Saturday evening at 7.30pm on Zoom.
This event is by donation - please use the Donate button on our website and give whatever you can. Thank you all very much.

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