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Heartfullness Training with Padma Devi

Six month Heartfulness Meditation Facilitator Training Course online with Padma Devi, Prem Devi & Vishwam Gurudas

Foundation Course

Heartfullness Meditation Facilitator Training
online via Zoom

Heart Meditation Graduates who went on to train as Heart Of Living Yoga Teachers in Portugal.

This is a stand along course as well as part of our 300 Yoga Teacher Training and our Heart Of Healing Training programmes.

Meditation facilitator Training - 100 Hour course
~ One weekend a month for 6 months

Learning how to connect with your spiritual heart & Share meditation with others

  • Learning how to hold space and guide meditation groups as a Heart Meditation Facilitator.

  • Exploring the transformational benefits of yoga asana based on yogic science

  • Discovering yogic philosophy and wisdom & how to apply it in daily life

  • Establishing a personal daily meditation practice & learning to live in the heart

  • Embracing the blessings of Radical Self Care

  • Certification on satisfactory completion: Heart Meditation Facilitator Diploma


These elements will be presented, explored and experienced during this 6 month course.

Every day doing the meditation practices on the CD’s/Downloads given to you as part of the course resources. (Learn more about Heart Practice)

Practising the Heart Meditations and going deeper – experiencing the Heart centre as a spacious invitation for meditation to happen. Also learning how to share different meditation techniques such as Tratak, Heart Breath, Mantra of the Breath, Heart Mantra, Peace Meditation & Walking Meditation.

Learning how the breath co-ordinates our two major nervous systems and switches on the relaxation response.

Study and comparison of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras as translated and explained by Sri Swami Satchidananda and Nischala Joy Devi – focusing on Sutras Book I:1,2,3 & 4 and Book II:29 – 45.

Using the science of Yoga to train the mind, helping it align with the peace of the Heart – experiencing the Awakened Heart-Mind.

Learning about the 7 main chakras of the human energy system and learning how to balance the chakras using a special breathing kriya & meditation technique. 

Learning how to nest and rest yourself, each other and ultimately your own students.

Focusing on the Rishikesh Sequence our heart-centred hatha yoga classas offer you an experiential deepening of your own hatha yoga practice bringing harmony into the chakra system and your whole being.

Practising with each other how to facilitate or share the practices you have been learning 1-2-1 & as a group offering Heart Meditation

Learning how to nurture yourself at a deep level and how to share the experience with others.

This Part I course has no essays, but each month, the week before the next course weekend, you will receive a “check in” email from the course tutors asking how you are doing and how it is going. You are asked to reply!

You will experience and learn the Heart Mudra Flow which brings our energies, emotions and thoughts back into their natural balance.

Heart Of Living Yoga Teacher Training Part I Manual
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Swami Satchidananda
The Secret Power of Yoga by Nischala Joy Devi
Blessing of the Heart, Peace of the Heart & Flowers of the Heart (CDs or Downloads) by Rev. Padma
Heart Of Living Yoga Heart Meditation Facilitator Training Manual


With course trainers Padma Devi, Prem Devi & Vishwam Gurudas

Sunday Heartfullness Session on Zoom ~ Saturday 7th December 2024 ~  10am - 1pm 
(Donation only)

Weekend 1 = Sat 11th & Sun 12th Jan 2025, 9:30am — 5:30pm

Weekend 2 = Sat 8th & Sun 9th Feb 2025, 9:30am — 5:30pm

Weekend 3 = Sat 8th & Sun 9th March 2025, 9:30am — 5:30pm

Weekend 4 = Sat 12th & Sun 13th April 2025, 9:30am-5:30pm

Weekend 5 = Sat 10th & Sun 11th May 2025, 9:30am-5:30pm

Weekend 6 = Sat 7th & Sun 8th June 2025, 9:30am-5:30pm (Graduation!)

Course Fees: £900 - instalment plans to suit your pocket available
Includes Heart Meditation Facilitator Diploma upon satisfactory completion of the course

What Some of our Recent Graduates Say

"The heart meditation course has had a profound impact on all aspects of my life.  From the simple, but powerful connection to the heart, to the many tools we received to help us in our own self care - the course has been a life changing experience. When feeling scattered, overwhelmed and even in crisis, I found the heart meditation was a place of true refuge and peace.  The course gently guides you to that place and enables you to share that with others.

I have attended many trainings over the years, but this course has been the most important and impactful by far.  

I gained  so much from the teachings and from those who guided me gently and generously along the way.  I’ve also met some really lovely, likeminded people who I hope will be a part of my life for many years to come.

I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this course to anybody seeking to deepen their practice, or indeed, to begin to understand the true essence of yoga"

Chitra Davis

“It’s very loving and the teachings are very beautiful. I’ve got lots of tools, which I’m excited I can now share.”
Jenny Jyoti Johnston

”It’s the most challenging course I’ve ever done. Not in a hard way, but in a softening way.”
Prashant Suttner

Payment & Application

Heartfullness meditation facilitator training is open to everyone.

Whatever it is that draws you towards this course, rest assured that Padma and the whole team are here to enable, empower and support you towards the fullest flowering of yourself.

Whether you want to dive deeper into your own personal spiritual practice, establish a new one, or become a Heart Of Living Yoga teacher, this course opens the door to all possibilities.

This Heartfullness course is a pre-requisite to attending either Heart Of Living Yoga Teacher Training Course or the 12 month Heart Of Healing training course. 

Payment: The Course costs £900 for the full 100 hour 6 month training.
To book your place on the course, please complete the Application Form & a 50% deposit is requested to secure your booking, with any final payments to be completed at least 4 weeks before the commencement of the course. Payment plans and other arrangements can certainly be discussed if that would be helpful for you.

Bank Account: Heart Of Living Yoga Foundation

Bank: Lloyds Sort Code: 30-91-08 Account No: 56589960

Online/In Person Course Reference: HEART MFTT23-24

Please confirm once payments have been made by sending an e-mail with your details both to : &

For more information on the Online Course please contact Padma here.

Om Shanti Shanthi Shanthii