Yoga & Meditation for a Strong Immune System & Emotional Equilibrium
Manorama demonstrating one of many ways we can twist in yoga
Om Shanthi Peace to All
May we all rest in the Heart of hearts, at home with Love Itself, especially at this time.
At this time it's important to remember the meditative, strengthening, emotional balancing, energy and well-being practices that we share in yoga all work to bring the body-mind-soul into balance. As a result we develop a healthy and strong immune system which very much helps us now and that's why it's important to keep up our hatha yoga and meditation practice at home.
It's good to focus on practices that help strengthen the immune system and promote healing – such as more pranayama practice, heart healing breath, twisting postures, cardio-vascular movements (such as dance or cross crawl), affirmations and chanting.
As always, please keep yourself well hydrated – taking some water every 15 minutes or so – and give yourself a some extra time to practice at home, even if just 10 minutes a day. Along with good quality sleep and nourishing food, your yoga practice will help to keep you in balanced, optimal health and well-being.
Be well and share your peace and joy, your love and light with all.
Hearts Love,
Padma Devi and the Heart Team
Daily Meditation from Harshani to help keep our immune systems strong