Charity Update: Sri Lanka
Charity Update: Sri Lanka
Sewing seeds
Harvesting fruits
Planting coconut palm
In Sri Lanka, where the economy and government is in collapse and essential supplies are almost non-existent and prices are sky high, beyond the reach of ordinary people, with your kind help and donations we are continuing to support the families and the children food.
Every month on the full month, a puja is offered at Padma Lokah with all the villagers and a months supply of food is given to each family and the elders, plus a cooked meal packet that contains 6 different curries.
We are currently supporting 48 families and 35 elders and I am very happy to report that our Food Security Project is not only in place but is already providing food from our land. The villagers are becoming self-sufficient, with your help. We have already provided everyone with coconuts and squashes that were grown on our land.
This is such an exciting step, to enable and empower our brothers and sisters in Sri Lanka to be able to grow their own food and move away from needing to receive monthly food rations. I can never thank you all enough for supporting this work.
During covid the schools in the north of Sri Lanka were closed and many children's education was drastically affected. Now schools are running more smootly again, we are re-starting our educational project which gives the kids a nutritious lunch and 2 hours of extra tuition in 4 subjects after school. In previous years, this project has resulted in higher educational achievements such as A levels, university degrees and professional qualifications - all of which helps to lift the children, and their families, out of the poverty trap. Thank you again and again.
Feeding families at Padmalokah
Coconuts from our own land were given with the monthly dry ration
Happier, healthier communities benefit All
Full moon puja at Padmalokah