Explore the gentle Heart led practices of Yoga with Padma Devi.
Treat yourself to a week, a weekend, Mon-Fri, or a day of yoga that will bring you to a more easeful body, peaceful mind and lead you to a happier life.
Prices start at £230 for the full week.
For more information please email - openingtograce 108@gmail.com
This week long ashram style retreat is set in the beautiful countryside of Eastern Somerset. Led by Padma Devi and other lovely guests, there will be a programme of daily events which will include meditations, hatha yoga, satsangs, beautiful music, chanting and sound baths. There will be opportunities to have nurturing reflexology or massage, quiet time for yourself, beautiful walks in the vicinity, and shared vegetarian meals. Cooking and other tasks for the smooth easeful running of the retreat is shared daily amongst participants.
Padma is a much loved teacher by all who have had the opportunity to work with her. She lives a life of loving service and is a devoted student of Sri Swami Satchidananda. Padma is the founder of Heart of Living Yoga and is currently serving as the Chair of Integral Yoga U.K. She is an Integral Yoga Minister, Integral Yoga teacher trainer and an international yoga & spiritual feacher. She shares the joy of yoga by bringing people together on retreats, satsangs, workshops, teacher training courses and seminars worldwide, to experience the joy of living in spiritual harmony and bringing yoga into everyones daily life.
Event Venue: Oldford Farm Cottages, Frome, Nr Bath, BA11 2NF
Whole Week £250 (en suite £270)
Monday - Friday - £195
Weekend - £145
Day visitors - £35/day (advanced booking required)
Meals will be shared and are not included in the price. A monetary contribution of £10 per day or £5 per meal is asked for. Children very welcome!
For more information please email: openingtograce108@gmail.com
All profits support the Heart of Living Yoga charity.