The New Moon is a traditional time for new beginnings. As men*, we may be seeing many ways in which we could choose to begin again with different aspects of our lives. We know what a challenge this can be! Supporting each other, everything is possible.
We may have learned as men that we need to be always active, busy, giving and providing. Taking time for ourselves is essential for our natural vitality and for the wellbeing of all our relationships.
To support ourselves in this, we will open the circle with a beautiful experience of Hridaya Nidra (heart rest), connecting with the effortless peace of the heart (the spiritual heart), setting an intention for our lives and resting. When you login in, you can be all cosy tucked up in bed or in a nice yoga nest on the floor with plenty of blankets, cushions and pillows supporting the body and keeping yourself warm. If you’ve never experienced heart rest before, you might like to try this one with our heart teacher, Padma Devi.
We will then flow into some gentle chair yoga, helping us rediscover our natural balance of effort and relaxation.
Once we’ve settled into ourselves in this way, we will have time for some sharing from the heart. We’ve discovered on previous courses we’ve run, men coming together, speaking and listening from the heart, is incredibly powerful.
And then we will be sharing some top tips for men’s self care from the the ancient science of Ayurveda. By making self care part of our daily lives, we nourish not only ourselves but all those around us. The people close to you will be thanking you!
Suggested donation: £30 for this divine session bringing together life changes practices that you can make part of your daily life. Fully half of the proceeds go directly to support the charity work of the Heart Of Living Yoga Foundation, serving families in need in Sri Lanka, Brasil, India & Native Nations in the USA. If finances are a concern, please get in touch. We may be able to help!
* whether raised as a man or identifying as one, you are most welcome to join
Booking Form
About the Men’s Heart Team
Hanuman is a Heart Of Living Yoga Teacher and Intuitive Healer, here to support and help all reach their potential. He has found his way through some of life’s greatest challenges and offers compassion to all those who are suffering. Hanuman is a beautifully dedicated soul with a gentle heart and open way of simply being himself in the world.
Vishwam has been interested in gender his whole life. For his degree, he studied Psychology with Gender & Women’s Studies (Grinnell College, 1997) and then wrote his PhD on anarchism, gender, sexuality and personal/social transformation (University of Edinburgh, 2005). His writings in these areas are still used in university courses and independent reading groups.
Feeling the need to go more inwards, Vishwam then dove deeper into the blessings of Yoga. Having begun a dedicated Ashtanga practice in 1998, he went on to train as a teacher with Integral Yoga (2012) and then as a teacher & teacher trainer with Heart Of Living Yoga (2016).
He now leads trainings, retreats, workshops, special courses and weekly classes for those seeking harmony, peace and joy in life. Vishwam is known for his gentleness, playfulness and peaceful presence.
Govinda is a fully qualified ayurvedic and holistic health practitioner and Heart Meditation Facilitator.
He primarily works 1:1 with individuals to support them in their personal health and wellbeing.
Govinda is a delightful person to spend time with! He cares deeply for his fellow beings and lives each day with a joyful and grateful heart.